Thursday 12 September 2013

A Very Interesting Read!!

Child Support, a Man's Rights, a Woman's Rights, and the Rights to Choice

the Rights to Choice Should Not Be Solely for a Woman

In a world in which the "me" as applied to social concerns is taught to be the ultimate cornerstone in personal development and in which we are coerced to consider how things in our lives are affecting us personally I am going to take that very literally and do exactly that. I am going to use my position as a man and question where my rights have gone and why we as an enlightened society permit anyone to usurp those rights with the narrow mindedness which our society looks upon fatherhood and his right to choose. I question the right of choice and suggest that choice as it is presently applied is not an equitable concept unless all the factors of that choice are duly considered and legally recognized...which, they are not.
This is an issue that has long been stuck in my gumline; that nags at my soul; that feels like a constant thorn in my side and to remain silent on this issue is no longer possible as well as no longer an option. I am no longer content with where and how as a man my right to choice has been defined and decided. I have been listening to women rant and pedal their belief that they have a right to choose whether or not they want a conception to grow and come to full term. I have been listening to how they do not want decisions about them being made by men, laws, and by others in general. It is their body that is at stake in the pregnancy and they want all decisions regarding that to be their's and their's alone. We men have been stood down. We are not an ultimate factor in that decision making process unless she chooses it. It belongs solely and completely to women. The choice to allow our seed and their egg to live is up to women. It is their decision, it is not ours, none of it, not any more to be recognized than the woman wills of it. No concern we have is any more than a mere suggestion we might make and she is under no legal obligation to consider us in her decision making process. That is perilously dangerous and it is time we begin to speak of it in that context and make the condition fall into the light of honest and open dialogue. Men are being jailed, arrested, having money taken from their paychecks, being held accountable for pregnancys and parenthood they did not want for which they had no voice in. And further, there is no system of accounting and checks and balances that those monies are being used by the recipient mothers for the care and betterment of the lives of the children. Many of the women who receive those funds simply do not use those monies for anything that benefits the children at all.
If she decides to kill the product of conception then she has by legal definition excersized "her" rights and any suggestion from the male counterpart as a parent, assignee, or concerned party regarding the matter will either be or not be heard entirely based upon, legally, her discretion to do so or not. No thing regarding the matter from the male perspective will, legally, receive any more merit than that of a mere suggestion or that of any other dis-jointed opinion aside from the matter. The matter being her right to choose, hers alone and no other's business or affair. 

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